My new mantra 'Imperfect Actions' has got me moving forward with Toru Road. I've always wanted to get a business going, be it event management, making pestos or hummus or anything related to food, opening a deli, a deli/cafe, or going big with a deli/cafe in a warehouse (dreams right?!), whatever it was going to be I wanted it to be something that brings my whanau together - and ideally bringing my tamariki back here to their roots in NZ!
Everything has to start somewhere and my imperfect actions have forced me to get going. Sold some pesto at a pop-up market, got orders from my website, heck I actually have a website. What an amazing start! Super super grateful for everyone that is/has/will be soon lol supporting me on this Toru Road journey. And boy have I made some progress this week. I now own the domain name for which I feel is more recognisable and more friendly to remember than the address, and this comes with a toruroad email address which I cant wait to use. Once those are set up properly I hope to transfer over this website - fingers crossed for that to occur, and then I can get my online purchasing going so you don't have to fluff around finding my email addy etc. to order. Big news is that my pesto jars, along with my granola and dukkah packaging is on its way. I soooo cant wait for them to arrive, cos I love for things to look pretties. And I'm researching packaging (ice packs) and delivery avenues so that I can courier around NZ (sorry not overseas yet whanau). I can't wait for that to happen. I'm also encouraging our girl Ashlee to help me take the twinnies logo to the next level of design - Ash is super creative and clever and I wish she was here in NZ to help me with this stuff. Once I get the logo done then I can work on the rest of my branding and it will then mean I can get some proper business cards, and the all important labels for our kai products. I loathe my current business cards which I did whilst listening online to a business school lecture, frantically ordering just 50 of them so that I had something in place for the pop-up market which was the following week. Now every time I hand out a card I apologise for the size 6 font, the colour, and placement of the pesto jar on the blinken card. I give fair warning when handing them out that a magnifying glass is required. Imperfect Action means at least I have a business card to hand out right, better than nothing? Doesn't stop me from not handing it out though lol. I plan to give them a good send off into my compost once I get my new cards. As I go to get a photo of my business cards I realise I don't have any in my phone cover. Need I say more, the limited edition of this business card follows ... |
AuthorTracey is the owner of Toru Road. Hear about her and her whānau's journey to establishing her new business. Archives
February 2022